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Tools for planning and compliance of wildfire regulations.

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Work Restriction Tracking

We've built the first danger rating tracking tool for mobile. Your crew can easily see current and forecasted danger ratings and calculated work restrictions.

    Easily retrieve danger rating for any BC weather

    Automatic work restriction and duration calculation

    Current weather readings

    3-day weather and danger rating forecasts + future work restrictions

    Complete season history of fire danger ratings (not just past 6 days)

Upcoming Features

    Elevation and BEC Zone lookups for pinned locations

    Filtering of weather stations by range, elevation, and BEC zones

    Integration of weather station data and fire weather indices

    Summary of historic danger ratings per station

Compliance Records

We're working on tools for your crews to easily log their compliance with fire regulations and any restrictions required for the day. This will be updated with upcoming guidance documents as released from BC Wildfire Services.

    Representative weather station used and rationale

    Who is the designated fire watcher

    Signatures that duties were performed

    Photographic and timestamped evidence of work site

    Full audit log of compliance activity records

Try Beacon

Change these example danger class ratings to see what the day's work restrictions would be. Play around!

4 days ago


3 days ago


2 days ago





Today's danger rating:
Maintain a fire watch after work for a minimum of two hours

Get in Touch

We'd love to chat about how we can help you operate with compliance

or just get in touch and contact us