Using data to respond to climate change

There's a lot of data out there that's not being used to its potential. It's hiding in excel sheets, satellite imagery, being tucked away in drawers, or in other formats that aren't helping anyone.

Through data, we can drive better decision-making around climate response.


What we've been up to so far


Beacon is an app that tells people what work restrictions are in place due to the current fire danger rating.
Check out Beacon

Avalanche Canada

Our team worked with Avalanche Canada (AvCan) to build the Avalanche Information Distribution System (AvID). Which improves the ability of a forecaster to obtain, filter, and visualize the sheer amount of data used to produce an avalanche forecast.
Read about our work with AvCan

BC Cattlemen's Association

Our team is currently prototyping software for cattle for a grazing pilot project with the BC Cattlemen's Association. The goal is that this project will reduce the risk to people's homes and have positive impacts on forest fire safety, grazing management, carbon sequestration, food security, grassland health... You get the picture.
Read more about the grazing pilot project


Let's talk climate response

We know that the solution to climate change requires insight. But the numbers are just the beginning. If you're curious about working with us and learning more about what we do, get in touch.